Young investor MultiFamily🏢🏘, Options trading stocks 📈🙌
Young 19 year old hustler, and tennis coach 🎾
I’m willing to work with someone, Shoot me a message! 🏘
I am 34 and have a wife and two daughters. I am a critical care nurse and my wife is a physical therapist.
I have been a full time real estate investor for a little more than 10 years. My business ranges from buy and hold (single family and multi-family) to Fix and Flips, and everything in between.
I have been a Real Estate appraiser for 20 years. I value homes everyday for my career.I have access to the MLS and foreclosures. I am new to flipping houses and building a team. I am ready to start my new adventure in the housing market flipping houses!
I wasn't thinking about real estate investing until my son was born. He has given me the motivation to start investing for the future and accruing passive(ish) income for our family.
Fun fact about me: I was a snowboarding and surfing instructor