My name is Lisa Casey. I am originally from the Pittsburgh area, grew up in Aliquippa Pa. I got a Mechanical Engineering degree in 1980 from University of Pgh, so I am dating myself. I worked as an Engineer for over 20 years, Kodak (Rochester NY), GE Waynesboro Va,
Sony (Terre Haute IN), Ford (Detroit, Mi), and Ford (Louisville Ky)...
I've been wanting to fix and flip houses for years but never thought I'd actually get the guts to dive in and do it. Well, now after losing my job, I think it's time. I've been studying, reading and watching everything I can on flipping. If there's a show on TV about flipping, I watch it. I make a point to remember every mistake I see them...
Not a Virtual Assistant (Can't change titles anymore!) I'm a residential agent that lives on Mission Bay with my rescue dog Abby & loves coastal living. Looking to expand my knowledge in the journey of investment properties while I complete those boring Continuing Ed classes to RENEW my license. : Looking for Mentor/Partner for...
I left my intense, 24-year career in June of '15 and have used the free time to research other RE investment options besides the passive ones I am involved in currently. I've been a member of the 506 investor group (see Mark Robertson profile in BP) since Dec of '15 and feel like I've earned a mini-MBA in CRE investing by virtue of all the...