Naval officer, husband, and father of two. Active duty for 19 years and plan to do 25. Managing partner of Long Bros LLC, a real estate investment firm buying properties in the midwest for a buy and hold portfolio.
My name is Jason. I'm 28 years old. I have earned a BS in Chemistry from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, and an MS in Chemistry from Villanova University. I'm currently working as a protein chemist specializing in protein separation/purification analyses for a pharmaceutical company.
My goal is to reach my financial freedom number thru real estate investments.
Hi. I own apartments and SFR rentals in Western Washington. I am looking to acquire more apartment communities in Washington state. I am keenly interested in networking with other investors in the multifamily space. I am also interested in meeting commercial brokers, lenders, real estate lawyers, CPA,s, property managers, and other...
I work full time as a Civil Engineer and currently own one rental property (4-plex) and looking to expand. I'm currently seeking both multi-family and single family properties.
Commercial real estate investment advisor looking to take my knowledge from commercial to residential and start investing hard-earned money. Professional, ambitious, easy-going.