Passive investor looking to optimize equity and discretionary income through partnerships, turnkey and possibly syndication.
I am a building engineer with experience in luxury high rise apartment and office buildings. I have taken my mechanical ability and paired it with my knowledge of multi family housing and started investing in real estate. My plan is to continue my day job and throw everything I can come up with at my real estate...
Parttime investor, fulltime employee in another industry. I love my job most days but would like to leave it eventually.
Hello! Thanks for checking out my profile.
My background is in Technology & Economics and I have worked for a few Fortune 500 companies and currently a Business Analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. I'm an Air Force Veteran.
My 3-5 year real estate goal is to have enough buy-hold properties that produces cash flow to...
Hi. I am a full time construction Superintendent, Landlord. I own rental properties in Queens, Long Island and PA. I'm interested In connecting and networking. I currently hold a NY brokers license and a NYC contractors license.
Currently I work as a Network Engineer for a managed service provider, my work is very technical and requires a lot of organization and forethought.
My husband and I are currently living in a duplex renovating and looking to sell in the next 2 years
I am blessed to have an incredible full-time job that I love. I would like to expand my knowledge and experience in real estate investing while continuing to work full time. I am primarily interested in growing long term multifamily rental properties. I would love to soak up some knowledge and contribute anything I can!