Active Fix & Flip investor in the Bridgeport,CT market. Extensive market and neighborhood knowledge of the Bridgeport realestate market.
Have flipped more than 20 single family homes in Bridgeport, Stratford, Norwalk Connecticut. Owner/Landlord for several properties in the Bridgeport,CT area.
Real Estate...
I have been studying real estate for about 5 years now. I want to get into Mobile Home Parks as I see tremendous potential to help both residents' situations for turnaround and my own financial situation.
I am looking to connect with MHP investors so I can learn more, build value and/ or partner on deals.
I look forward to...
I am new to investing and looking forward to networking and further educating myself. Hope to one day give back to people in my position.
I am a licensed loan officer in 6 states (TN, MS, AR, AL, GI and FL). I loved real estate and networking. I believe in helping other people in the same way that many people have done with me. Currently I owe some rental properties and I am looking to buy more.
[email protected]