Oliver is an Atlanta REALTOR® who can help you buy or sell your home—more easily than you think—with tailored insights that will inform your real estate investment strategy, so you can build lasting wealth. Let's make your money mean more™
Hey there! I'm Oliver, I'm an insurance agent for an independent agency in East Nashville. The agency I work for specializes in working alongside real estate investors and providing them with the proper coverage they need on their investments. We have customers across the state of Tennessee and are always looking to help more.
Oliver Seidler is the CEO of PropertyForce, the industry leader providing real estate investment opportunities for everyone.
PropertyForce gives investors the opportunity to buy off-market investment properties below market value to match their investment strategy. PropertyForce follows a simple, streamlined, and reliable system,...
I am a professional musician, national bestselling author and real estate entrepreneur based in Dallas. I am always looking for a good deal, and interested in networking with other investors, agents, wholesalers and private money lenders. Let's connect!
Currently starting as a sales agent doing residential sales in the San Francisco Bay Area, and plan to apply for a brokers license in 2 years to start my own office. Along the way I definitely plan to engage in the investing aspect of real estate as well. Also looking for a qualified mentor in San Francisco as to sharpen and refine my skills....
I am a new investor interested in learning more about real estate. I am an avid reader, who believes sharing information with others. Knowledge is gained to be shared.
I am interested in joining local meet-ups and networking events. I am am regular facilitator, researcher and consultant and speaker.