Full time: Patent Examiner 9 years
Part Time: US Naval Civil Engineering Office (4 years active and 20 years reserve).
I own 4 homes looking to multiply that number by 100!
Just moved back stateside after a 3 year working assignment Germany. I have always been interested in property investments but haven't been in one place long enough for buying something to make sense. I am looking to invest in perhaps a live in flip or multifamily home in the Greenville, SC area.
Active duty military. Planning for 2010 move to Norfolk, VA to begin investing in multi-family units.
Active Real Estate Broker. 25 Years Experience. Specializing in Selling, Developing, or leasing Retail properties in Utah and Idaho
I am a partner in Myrtle Beach Real Estate. A full-service real estate brokerage located in, surprise, Myrtle Beach South Carolina. We love to give referrals, so please contact us at 843-477-1777 or http://www.myrtlebeachone.com if you ever have any clients interested in property in the Myrtle Beach area.