Brian Olencki is an Eagle Scout and founder of Leasily, who provides support to growing landlords' portfolios at the highest level.
Brian understands how hard managing rental properties can be. He owns property in Rhode Island, and quickly found how crucial a support team is.
Brian has developed software for the past seven...
I am an IT Systems Administrator by trade. I grew up in the northern Suburbs of Detroit. I worked for General Motors doing several different computer support jobs back in the 90's after college. Since then, I've mainly worked for the Navy and Air Force in Southern California.
I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. I received a Bachelors in Finance from the University of North Texas in 2011. I relocated to the Northeast in 2012, I lived in New Hampshire for one year and then relocated to New Jersey where I currently live.
Software developer, facilitator, new crossfit junkie. Complacency breeds mediocrity, so keep pushing!
Born in Charleston but raised around the world as a military brat, I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps after high school graduation and enlisted in the US Air Force. My time in the Air Force afforded me the opportunity to travel and meet people from all over the world. I retired as a First Sergeant after a 20-year career as an...
I am an investor in the Pensacola Fl market with experience as a sub-prime lender, Contractor, and landlord.
Main wholesale market North Carolina
Partnering to close deals with you nationwide
Focusing on Vacant Single Family Homes
I am currently a beginner investor. I am currently researching and learning about real estate, and have found my niche. I live in central NJ and commute to Manhattan for work.
I am working toward a better retirement for myself and more financial freedom. My brother-in-law has been in the business for a long time and is very successful.