19 year old Realtor in the Fayetteville NC area. Practicing both commercial and residential sales with a specialty in helping investors. I hope to find financial freedom in this industry, and want to help others do the same.
I am a first time investor in the Kenosha, Wisconsin market and I hope to connect with current investors to learn what to and what not to do.
I am working to expand into a new business venture with real estate investment. I am in the process of getting my license back into play and start looking for those opportunities. I do know that I have a lot to learn and hoping to align with someone to help speed up the process. I learn faster when I am hands-on learning because I know I can...
I'm motivated, eager, and excited to begin my BRRR life.
Currently working fulltime in tech and growing my asphalt and concrete weekend hussle in an effort to save enough money to buy a house with cash.
I'm looking to build my network and make connections in the Greater Seattle area.
Hi there
My name is Konstantin and I'm a creative real estate investor from Brooklyn, NY.
I work with a lot of wholesalers like you. Let's face it you work hard and spend a bunch of cash pulling in leads and the problem is that you have to trash a whole lot of them because they don't have enough equity in them to make it work...