Background in Engineering. BS in Civil Engineering & MS in Real Estate
Always seeking knowledge. Open to conversation.
I am a young professional from Minneapolis, MN quickly developing an interest in the real estate market and looking to pursue investing as a passion and full-time career.
Real estate aside, I am a musician and have toured with a number of local and national acts mainly from Minnesota. I love music, snowboarding, traveling (especially...
Young professional in Lubbock, TX who is newer to real estate investing.
Former software developer turned boutique hotel and short-term rental expert. BRRRBNB investor, run BH/STR property management company
Looking for: Opportunities and knowledge on boutique hotels, motels, hotel conversion to multifamily
Open to: Boutique hotel owners and investors who want a skilled...
Always looking to create value for other people...I've come from Humble Beginnings so I am always grateful for the obstacles I've overcome and the success that has followed. I enjoy giving back to others and being able to mentor people in the way I would have appreciated when I was getting started.
Hey all! I am 23 years old and currently working as a firefighter. I live in the suburbs of Orlando, FL (Lake Mary) and I can’t wait to begin my journey investing in real estate. Currently own no property’s but have a little cash saved up. Everyone has to start somewhere!
I have joined this community to learn as much as I can about...