College student living in San Diego. I am licensed but not working as a represented agent, currently working as a investor.
I do acquisitions and lead generation for Capture Realty LLC and own SeaBell Investments LLC. My primary focus is wholesaling foreclosures and vacant homes but the brokerage I'm teamed with is a full service brokerage and we can also handle traditional listings.
Primary occupation is a software developer. Own 1 duplex and 1 four-plex. Hoping to buy 1 investment property per year for the next 5-8 years
Proverbs 12:24 "The hand of the diligent shall rule, while the hand of the slothful shall be put to forced labor"
Buy and Hold Investor / Real Estate Agent / IT Professional / USAF Veteran
Looking off the beaten path for STR's to add to our portfolio. Pretty much anything between Mississippi and Maine!
I am the head of an accounting department and licensed CAM for a Community Association Management Company located in the Greater Orlando area by trade & an aspiring real estate investor. I'm working on improving my current financial situation to enable me to actively invest in real estate, but until then I'm looking, learning &...
23 and going back to school while also working on pursuing real estate investing!
Jared is a local IT Professional and his wife Sarah is a Realtor with West USA. They own and manage residential rental properties in the Prescott, AZ region. Sarah specializes in finding homes for families moving to the Prescott Area.