I am the owner/operator of my tile company Next Gen Tile LLC. I decided to learn a new trade that will add value to flipping properties in the future. I learned the tile trade from my business partner Art Barbosa. He has been working with his father for over 10 years doing tile work. I learned how to do everything related to tile in just 6...
I purchase single family homes with no money of my own. I'm interested in Vacation rentals next.
The name Panayot Tomov has become synonymous with Elite Real Estate; luxury properties and investments all over Greater Palm Springs for the past 10 years. The solid foundation of real estate, directly intertwined with ethical business and utmost professionalism had been laid in the vibrant and successful Coldwell...
I'm a 27 year old physical education teacher and army reservist who is currently learning and reading about the world of investing. I've read several books so far and I'm excited to keep learning.