I have inherited a 2 home properties that had renters. Both homes were significantly damaged by the tenants (one tenant even used one bedroom as an animal waste area!)
I came here hoping to find guidance about both how to repair the homes AND advice about securing "normal people" tenants.
Recently back in RE from a 1.5 yr disabilty. Not a good time for sales, duh. Great time to BUY! Love the excitement of RE. Small town country girl at heart (no traffic), Do not like the "used car salesman" mentality approach or Large company cut throat back stabing manipulative agent approach either. Got alot of that out here!
We have REO tapes direct. We own these tapes and we also have tapes direct from Banks, the Clearinghouse and more. Pennies on the dollar. Typically our tapes run 20 to 30 cents on the dollar and you will be buying them direct from us. Also you will have the tape exclusively, it will not be shopped and there is no bidding. Fast.
We also...