My name is Yatznira. I was a medical biller for many years as well as a armed forces reservist. I am currently specializing on creative REI, abandoned houses and buy-fix-and-hold.
Focus on 3 geographies - Pittsburgh area (Allegheny and Beaver County), South Central PA area (York), and Memphis. Actively looking for a 4th geography but 2020 slowed things a bit. Also have small stake in Boston area...
Recently moved into commercial real estate, but more focused on multi-family deals in these three areas. If you...
I spent 15 years in PR/communications before moving to Florida where my toes got stuck in the sand. I caught the entrepreneurial bug from a friend with big ideas about real estate and financial freedom.
Although I currently reside in Texas, I have one investment property in Sterling Heights, MI. I enjoy finding great deals in real estate, especially ones that involve a little TLC. I enjoy building/repairing things as a hobby. My current goal is to buy 4 more homes in the next 4 years.
I am currently a pilot for the Air Force that is trying to maximize income streams.
I'm a mom to two kids from Toronto, Canada. I am a clothing designer of kids' clothes and now also looking to get into the real estate investment industry. I'm learning a lot on the BiggerPockets podcast and now I'm hooked!!