I've started an Airbnb business recently and I'm here mainly to learn from experienced investors. Obviously, I'd be glad to share my discoveries and insights.
I currently work in the Prining Industry.
Have a family of a wife and 3 kids. One child graduating in 2015 from college and one who will start. The oldest is 24 and has graduated and employed.
I work for 12 Stone Capital, we have many Projects, currently we are looking for funding for a development happening in the beautiful hills of Los Angeles.
We also have various options for those seeking to learn more about Real estate.
Drop me a line and let me see what I can do for YOU.
Currently a stay at home mom and wife to a general contractor. We are looking to learn as much as possible about flipping houses and real estate investing. My goal is to get my husband out of working a million hours per week and actually live life with our family with the financial freedom real estate investing can provide.
We love...