Hello BP!
I'm a Louisiana native (no I can't make Jambalaya or boil crawfish, but I can eat them!) currently residing in Colorado Springs.
I currently own a 4b2b house that I am house hacking along with roomates, and I plan on acquiring more properties! I'm renting out 4 bedrooms and i made an extra room in the basement for...
I'm located In the MobIle, Al area. I’m interested in multifamilies up to four units and fix and flips in B class or better areas anywhere from Biloxi, MS to Pensacola, FL and North to Birmingham, AL. Looking to learn all that I can. Message me and let’s connect.
Hi! I'm Helen Bollinger with Bollinger REI in the Pittsburgh area. We have 51 apartments, flipped 4 houses, and wholesale. We're always looking to buy, sell, and rent. Also always interested in good contractors, lenders, etc. www.bollingerrei.com [email protected]
Hey everybody👋🏾
I'm here to network, potentially find a mentor, and do whatever necessary to feel confident enough to start my own investing journey. I've been acquiring as much knowledge about Real Estate as I possibly can for a little over a year now, and I'm ready for the next step. I'm a 26 year-old film producer/editor hoping to...
Hey what’s up everyone, I’m new to real estate investing and I’m just trying to soak up as much information as I can and lend a helping hand whenever possible.
I work full-time outside of real estate and am interested in buying single family home investment properties to buy and hold as rentals.
Engineer by day at a large automotive OEM but am actively searching for investment opportunities in Livingston County, MI and surrounding areas. Primarily interested in multifamily properties. Also enjoy connecting with other local investors.
Hello, fellow investors!
Whether you're a new hand or an old pro, if you're in the same area I am or think we're well matched in our interests, please feel free to contact me.
I'm fairly personable and enjoy meeting my neighbors, whether we do business together or not.
I fund some of my deals with a health Care...