I'm a land investor who loves what I do every day. I'm thankful for my amazing wife, Arina, who is beautiful inside and out. We have three awesome boys - Alex, Elijah, and Caleb - who bring us so much happiness and motivation. Our family is all about working hard, dreaming big, and making the world a better place. Let's go on this journey...
Realtor, Consultant, Investment Advisor, Asset Manager,, CCIM, Professional Negotiator, Polite Fair Ethical Business person, Certified Commercial Flight Instructor.
"Another Day New Opportunity".....Abraham maintains himself in positive a mentality, doesn't believe in stress.... only solutions, life is LOVE and FEAR.... No recognition of fear...Extraordinary Business Man, NO LOVE for Money Strictly LOVE and PASSION to what is DONE.....(: If I believed in having the most expensive luxury, I would only...