Est. 1970 in all categories of real estate brokerage, residential , bus. opps, and commercial deals, construction etc. I have ownership in a surety bond Ins. co. for over 40 years.
Iam a working mom of 3. Who takes interest in real estate but does not have a clue of how to go about it. I came across this site through Google search and I know this is a good opportunity for me.
I'm 71 and tired ovef living in genteel poverty. I hold a master 0f /science in Taxation. I have a little business that deals with esoteric
training and tourism. I would like to learn from you seem sincere.
I am a former business owner of a home improvement business I started, which was successful for eight years. I am currently working on my next business venture that incorporates a business model that includes real estate investments, as I purchase a property management franchise.