Hello, my name is Earl and I am eager to begin this journey once again. I've experienced some pitfalls before but I'm ready to pursue this again. I've learned that you need to have the right people on your team to be successful in real estate investing. I did not have that before.
I joined BiggerPockets because I wanted to connect...
My husband and I love to travel and experience new cities and outdoor adventures. When we travel we enjoy staying in Airbnb listings around the US and the world - taking in live music, local restaurants and different cultural experiences. This enriches our exposure to other Short Term Rentals and helps us create new experiences for our...
Hey Y'all. I'm a southern bred whose made my way over to the West Coast. Born in Georgia, and lived in TX, GA, AL. I use to wholesale real estate with my current connection of investors in CA and AZ.
I loove to Travel the U.S. as I'm always looking for properties: SF/ MF .
I have recently a transition to the investor side...
Completely new to REI, with my wife as my partner by my side. Both of us are actively learning, and always seeking guidance and advice.
I live in Vancouver BC. My wife and I own a few rental properties in a town on the Canadian prairies. I'm always wanting to learn more about real estate and am interested in multi-family investments.
Problem solving professional in the Rhode Island area, also interested in Florida, Texas markets, happy to chat with anyone new or old to the game!! Happy hunting!!