I'm married with no kids... love eating out with my wife and looking forward to building financial stability and freedom for my present and future.
I am a newbie to the investment world with experience in finance and public administration.
I want to be known by my family as a caring and loving husband and father, by my business associates as a fair and honest person and by my friends as someone who is reliable.
I am a woman who is looking for new avenues to succeed in. I've always been interested in real estate and I want to know more about the best way about doing it.
I am a member of the NW Arkansas Real Estate Investor Association, and am looking to learn about different ways of investing and to network with other investors.
Hello I'm a 27 year old mother of three looking to make an extra stream of income and build a better future for my family. I always wanted to get more information about flipping houses and then I stumbled upon this group. So hopefully I can gain a lot of knowledge about the real estate business and possibly be able to advance to financial...
I'm new to real estate, but I am intensely motivated to learn everything I can about real estate and investing in the industry.