My name is Karen Castleberry and for many years I have had a interests in the RE Industry, I have been wanting to use RE to build real wealth for my family. I own 1 home free and clear, another has a mortgage and my primary resident has been foreclose due to divorce & a bitter spouse that was not willing to negotiate. I want to learn how...
Novice investor in two MF deals. Originally began with Lifestyles Unlimited. Group is a mixed bag. However, I did meet a very fine individual who is the managing director of the deals through LU.
Still learning and hope to continue to invest going forward.
Looking to learn information which will help as we enter the real estate market, and local networking opportunities.
Hi there! I am a full-time public interest attorney in Los Angeles and I am currently learning the fundamentals of out-of-state real estate investing. My goal is to purchase my first investment property this year with my husband and work towards financial independence.
Seeking mentor!
Looking to take responsibility and learn all I can from someone who is actively investing in properties.
Air Force reserve
College student
New to real estate.
Hi there, I love real estate. I am an licenced realtor and currently a buy and hold investor but am looking to expand into flipping, BRRR's, and multi family buy and holds. Hoping to learn, grow my network and knowledge and help others reach their goals too.
New to investing. Looking to connect and find my first rental investment. Single and multifamily homes.