Born and raised in West Michigan, attended MSU and FSU and currently live in Grand Rapids, MI. Go Green!
Managing partner for Uptown GR Property Management and Project Manager for a commercial construction management company.
Real Estate Goals:
My goals are to continue to gain experience in commercial and...
Ultimate goal is to supplement our income with rental properties until the primary source is no longer necessary.
I have done remodeling on a number of homes in the past and look forward to working on my own properties in the future.
I have closed on two SFH properties in the past two years. My goal is to continue buying real estate as aggressively as possible and cashflow around 100k a year with minimal management. 10x goal is to cash flow 100k a month.
I am a realtor and investor living in Berkeley,CA. We currently own a vacation rental in Tahoe and are currently looking for opportunities in the Bay Area.
I am a corporate attorney located in Orange County, California, who received a JD/MBA degree from Penn State
I have one real estate deal under my belt and looking for the next. Interested in rentals and currently researching small multifamily. I have been a full time fire fighter for 12 years and have been plumbing since 2000. Would like to be doing real estate full time within the next 4 years.