Native Floridian, dedicated to the pursuit of learning and living the life of a successful, service-driven real estate professional. Here for the education, networking and opportunities to help those wanting to purchase or sell around greater Orlando.
I'm always looking for new property that could use some TLC... Heck even a complete overhaul!
What’s the old saying , “how do you spell fun? W O R K.”
The market is crazy now a days and I think we could all use more dependable investment partners.
I passively invest in Statesville NC - If you’re ever close, I would...
I'm brand spanking new to the real estate world! It's something i've thought about for a while but have never had the courage to jump into. But now i am a mother, a spouse and a homeowner i realize that in order to live the life i want and to give my kids a better life than i had, i have to take chances and do something different.
I'm a Software Engineer in Los Angeles looking to invest. I've always liked number games and am pretty adept at finding decent deals on other items, so why not start taking those interests and using them to make money for myself?