I have been investing off and on for years...through numerous market ups and downs. Now its time to get my business more outside the conventional play ground.
My partners and I have rental property in California and Texas. We mainly buy and hold and attempt to reduce debt quickly using 15 year mortgages. 5 properties are multi family and the others single family homes. We have owned rental properties for about 12 years and employee property managers.
i am a former mortgage broker and currently a door to door sales man for a cable company, my wife is a Realtor and we are interested in rental properties and possibly trying to do a flip in the future.
We are private Real Estate Investors in the business of buying Vacant Properties. We are associated with a national network of similar professionals with tremendous buying power. Because of this significant buying power we are constantly in need of a fresh and on-going supply of properties to buy. Our criteria is really quite simple. We look...