Getting ready to retire from day job within a year, looking to use my SDIRA to invest in multifamily or lend money to investors.
I have greatly enjoyed learning about the real estate business, its potential upsides, and pitfalls. I look forward to making real estate a sizable portion of my retirement plan.
I have co-owned a commercial property for the past 11 years.
Real Estate Goals:
I hope to buy perhaps one or two cash flowing...
NY real estate agent, property manager and investor. Enjoy helping others achieve their goals of purchasing and selling homes and portfolios.
Realtor and Flipper in the in the Las Vegas market, currently finished our second flip. Partnered with my dad. Currently looking to ramp up and get more deals. Also looking to net work with realtors, Wholesalers and other investors. I will be more active on all social media sites please feel free to contact me