I am a realestate investor looking to take my business to the next level and become a full time investor.
I am currently looking to learn about real estate buying and selling. I am ready to make a commitment which will change my life for the future.
My goal is to in the future, be able to look back at my beginning here, and see a tremendous amount of growth and knowledge.
I own 2 small rentals in a small area and am currently looking for knowledge to invest in a large city. I have lost money consistently with my first 2 investments and cannot afford to do this again. Seeking advice and education to make better investing decisions.
Hi Guys! I'm looking forward to learning from y'all and sharing what I find out along the way.
Thanks for being a part of our journey. Hope we can be a support to yours!
Transplant to the Charlotte area via central Florida, east TN, and Atlanta. Graduated from law school while working full-time during the day (evening classes). Started in biglaw, then went in-house. I work hard, but I've seen that working hard for income from my job won't give me the financial freedom I want, especially in retirement years.