I have a college background in sociology; I will be continuing my education to become a vocational counsellor
CEO & Founder of Williams Financial, LLC, an independent, fee-only registered investment advisory firm specializing in integrated wealth management services for mass-affluent retirees. www.williamsfinancial.net
Real estate investor, focused on purchasing residential real estate in southwest Florida, southwest Vermont, and the...
I'm active duty Army and currently working on an MBA at Florida State University and doing ROTC.
Part time investor building a real estate portfolio to provide passive income and a legacy for my children. I'm an investor in a competitive and very active market in the Northwest.
I am a 35 year plus California RE Broker. I have been analyzing small apartment properties for several years. I have the opportunity to purchase an excellent non-performing value-add property. I am looking for ARV financing or an investor/partner for this project.