Beginner investor looking into purchasing rental properties in or around San Antonio, TX!
Current home owner for 15+ years. Learning about the business of investing in real estate to be used as rental properties. Love my current job and plan to keep it, but am coasting. It's time to add a little adventure to my life, meanwhile, adding to a more secure future and perhaps, legacy for my children.
Restarted in real estate in 2021 and found BP in the process. Had previously owned a rental in Baltimore and a short term in Annapolis. Liquidated that portfolio and now own 3 doors in Texas and 1 in Virginia in under 12 months. Acquired 10 acres in Texas to develop and build 3 homes currently in process!
In search of a way to get out of the rat race, our family of 4 moved from Los Angeles to NYC in March. After being in LA for over 20 years, we figured that the change of pace would revitalize all the passion we used to have when we were younger. And sure enough, this city has awakened something vicious in me! I got introduced to the world...
Hello BiggerPockets, im an investor here in Chicago and I've mostly concentrated on fix and flips. Always looking to learn and to expand.