I am a real estate investor in the Triad (Greensboro, High Point, Winston Salem, Kernersville) of North Carolina.
I am a marketing consultant for Direct Business Marketing. We help companies to generate leads through direct response marketing. Our newest product is the Short or Stay Calculator design to generate short sale leads for real estate professionals. If you are an agent/broker that wants to explode there business with more short sale leads...
Larry Lawfer, Realtor MA lic 009517963 is a community builder. Each neighborhood is built by the people who live within them. My only goal is to find you exactly what you want at a price you will love.
Over several years in Real Estate law & investigating mortgage violations Ms. Lawrence has succeeded her primary goal by launching a noteworthy program called, Sponsor a Family.
Its efforts is geared towards helping revive communities worldwide by processing mortgage claim reports for national bank asset management departments. ...
Self employed property manager in Baltimore metropolitan area. I have been in business sin 2001 and managed well over 400 units with currently 81 under mangement and 50 under leasing only contract.