I currently live in Alameda, CA on a sail boat. I love how it has forced me to live like a minimalist and simplify to what I truly value in life. I commute for hours a day visiting dental offices and have a lot of time for podcasts. Through a family history of real estate investing and this podcast I seek to carry the torch and start my...
Since the inception of my first small business, I got a taste of the freedom and flexibility associated with entrepreneurship. Seeking new challenges and avenues, and strategically analyzing the direction I wish to navigate present and future ventures, lead me to pursuing opportunities in the real estate industry.
Currently, I am a...
Real estate investing has always been a secret desire of mine. By trade, I'm a registered nurse, but it's hard work physically and I certainly can't retire wealthy. I'm a definite newby and have tons to learn, but I'm committed to the journey.
After teaching school for 28 years, I have taken some time off to investigate the house flipping business. I have had an interest for several years, but wanted to do a little research before taking the big leap. I really enjoy the creative side of flipping houses, although I am aware that there is so much more to this profession. I am still...