My name is Josh and I am new to real estate investing. During the day I double as a Physical Therapist and I live in the Seattle area with my wife, Sydney. We currently have two rental properties in Oklahoma, a triplex on the Texas coast and our primary home in Seattle which doubles as an Airbnb. We would like to acquire cash-flowing rentals...
I am 30 years old I live in Northern New Jersey. I like to get my hands dirty and learn new things. I love meeting new people who have the same interests such as, building things, snowboarding, traveling, movies, real estate.
I am a student graduating from Mechanical Engineering from Ohio State University in the spring, and will be pursuing a masters in accounting from Ohio State the following year. My knowledge comes from a number of real estate audiobooks, but I hope to expand on that knowledge. I currently work at a design engineering internship that has...
Innovative petroleum engineering graduate with 3 years of experience working as a Field Engineer in West Texas.