Do you want to get more sales from your marketing efforts? Are you doing everything right to be seen and heard online? Let's get your online marketing strategy aligned to bring you the results you deserve.
I'm here to MANAGE your LinkedIn Account for growing your network and getting more leads for your business. I love strategy and...
Lead Pastor at Calvary Church in Greensboro, NC. Rental property owner as a source of eventual retirement income.
I am a real estate agent in the Atlanta area with BHGRE Metro Brokers, Inc. I am also very much interested in investing in real estate as a third stream of income.
I am just getting in to the vast field of realesate. You see I am tiered of making money for these large corporations. I think what did "it" for me was seeing a multi million dollar check get handed over right in front of me. At that moment I took a good look at my salary and my life. I realized something that day. All this effort I put in to...