Hardworking, professional and dedicated to my job and family.
I'm a licensed real estate agent here in Austin. I buy properties in as-is where-is conditions and turn the properties over to buyers on my buyers list. They in turn get in, do the repairs, and put them back on the market for rent or sale, whichever their game plan is. My...
Currently I am looking to go to local REI clubs/meets in Manassas, VA. I have read a few books on REI and I am also looking to find a Home to househack to start my journey.
I just got off of Active duty orders and now I work as an Analyst for the Government.
Any information or help pointing me in the right direction helps!
Looking for private lenders interested in investing in lot developments in and around Central Ohio !
Looking to build my own real estate investment empire. Currently act as a Developer and Investor for a Wisconsin Real Estate firm (Utilizing company and partner capital). Much of my experience is within the commercial industry - however I believe a foundation in resi-rental income is key. More doors, the better.
16 years of age . Insane interest for real estate . Looking for a mentor to teach me their ways .
From a young age I have always had a fascination with real estate. As a child I always looked forward for trips to the grocery store because that was a chance for me to pick up the lastest real estate guide. I'd spend hours looking it over an anyalyzing what properties in my area were going for. As I got older my fascination only grew...