Day in and day striving to build the best wholesaling business in South Florida. Connecting other investors with great deals.
R E invester for 14 years now . R E liscense for 21 years . always looking for that new friend or that great RE deal.
Buy and hold real estate investor interested in multi-family properties that both cashflow and have appreciation potential.
Father was a tire kicker and used to drag me in and out of state to look at fixer uppers . I love real estate but the looking and never leaping habit is hard to break.
3 years later, I've increased my income by more than 300$ a week and I've reached my limit on the amount of time and money I'm willing to throw away just to watch...
My wife Tara and I are new real estate Investors.
Our Mission: To provide quality housing to families in an effort to help the many individual communities in our portfolio be sought after places to live.
Real Estate Goals:
We will purchase 5 buy & hold units each year to reach our freedom number.
We will...