I have bought fixed up and sold several properties but mostly me living in them for awhile. I also own a farm and some renal houses.
I Sophia Goodridge can manage the REO disposition process of your default properties from foreclosure sale through liquidation, or at any point in between. I offer a complete one-stop solution to your REO needs. Being a FULL-TIME ACTIVE REAL ESTATE AGENT…that specialize with REO RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES in the Washington, DC and PRINCE GEORGE...
Having a history in commercial and residential cleaning and operating a sign company, I look forward to partner with someone as complement in a real estate investment. My schedule allows for a first time rehab project.
Name is James G.... 25yrs old. Hobbies are sports, cooking, and learning anything new... Interested in this industry for the fact that it is something that can last me a lifetime. Looking forward to understanding and succeeding in this industry.