I am a career Investment Management executive who has dabbled in traditional residential investment properties on the side. Sold 7 of 8 properties in 2005 because I knew we were in big bubble. I missed the opportunity created by the S&L crisis of the late 80s, and do not plan on missing this opportunity to buy low this time around. ...
I have been Real Estate Investing for 6 years. I went from starting my profile on Bigger Pockets just trying to learn, get some experience, and do my first deal, to now having been completed 100 Wholesale deals and 20+ Sub2 deals! I am still very much interested in reaching up and networking and doing bigger deals from Commercial to...
Hello, nice to meet you. I'm a veteran who have been investing in real state for the last 4 years. I'm currently trying to get into the owner financing and subject to real of real state investing and I'm more than happy to connect with you. Thank you.