Managing my rental since 2018 and a company (Nomad) that helps DIY landlords across the US grow their wealth safely and easily with guaranteed rent, software, and services.
Owner of New Town Investments. I own a few rental properties in Winston-Salem North Carolina. Always looking to network and hear where others have had luck.
I left corporate America to be a stay at home mom in 2009. Shortly after I started part time with a financial education company 101 Financial, based in Hawaii. I have four children, no pets, and a mom.
I am currently a truck driver at o’hare International airport in Chicago. I am being mentored in the wealthy investor program (Ryan Pineda) looking to start and grew a successful buy-hold, fix-flip business. I am always open to networking, so don’t be afraid to reach out! Talk to y’all soon!!
With our hearts set on retiring early, my wife and I have used the laws in our area regarding real estate to work for us. Being new to the game, we are seeking guidance and partnerships to help grow and diversify our real estate portfolio (in and out of state).
I am looking forward to meeting those who share an equal level of passion...