I am Retired from Customer Service Lead Position from Continental/UAL Airline. Met many VVIP'S, CIP'S .Film Personalities, Prime Minister, Ministers, Monks, Nuns, above all People from around the Globe traveled through Atlantic Gateway to Europe & Beyond while working at Newark Liberty International Airport. I met Crazy Travelers too? I...
Looking for lenders, mentors, guidance, partners you name it! Who are willing to help me get started on something special in my location!
Real Estate Agent in Rochester, NY. Have always been interested and have future plans of investing in property. Life goal is ultimately to live financially free. Hobbies are volleyball, golf, billiards, weight training, and coming soon......sailing!
Hello, my name is Tim Adams. I am New to Bigger Pockets as well as Real Estate Investing. I am 31 years old and work full time as an Intensive Care Nurse but I have been interested in getting into real estate for some time now. My goals are to learn as much as I can about Real Estate, (especially Rental properties) meet new people who know...