John A. Rainone is a seasoned executive recruiter who locates highly qualified candidates for key management and technical positions for real estate and construction firms nationwide. With experience as both project manager and primary recruiter for many construction and real estate clients, he also provides advice on recruitment and hiring...
Our company has cemented relationships with lenders who are in need of selling bulk reo packages to investors. If you are an investor who is looking to buy reo properties in bulk at wholesale prices email to [email protected] for more information. Confidentiality assured. Thank you.
I currently reside in Greensboro, NC. I am originally from the Bay Area , Ca. Since I have planted my roots in this city's furtile soil, I decided to become a real estate spectator studying and keeping myself privy to Real Estate events and association meetings. Now I feel that it is time to be an active participant. I have several brokers...