Hello, I'm Brenda Chambers, Realtor, PREMIERE PLUS REALTY. We have Offices, throughout Southwest Florida, Naples, Bonita Springs. I am a Retired Underwriter with a Large Bank and I know quite a bit about the industry.
I am an editor, photographer and director, working with film and television production in Oslo, Norway.
26 years old, have two jobs and developed an interest in real estate when I saw the potential of passive income and financial freedom it granted.
I claim San Antonio, TX as home. Primarily interested in residential multi-families for long term buy and holds.
On a personal level I am a rental property investor, professionally I am a roof inspector for Accurate Roof Systems. We service Texas and Oklahoma, and I am specifically located in Denton County, Tx. Contact me for networking opportunities and if you or anyone you know has a storm or hail damaged roof. We help people repair their roofs and...
Average guy with a background in materials, tired of working for someone else. When I depend on my own abilities to get something done, it usually work out. But when I depend on someone else, it seldom seems to. So I'd like to depend on myself for my income.