I'm an Asset Manager / Note Investor. I buy and manage Institutional Residential Non-Performing & Performing 2nd Mortgages.
I prefer holding the paper over the property. I help other Note Investors build their Portfolios. I also have an Education Program on Building a 2nd Mortgage Note Business.
Check out my YouTube Channel Invest LYH where I show you Cash-on-Cash return for Lynchburg Virginia. This is a back of the envelope look at the Lynchburg market. ALWAYS verify your calculations with a rental agent, lender, and closing agent. That is what I do.
I am a former cookie shop owner and data scientist with investment homes...
I've been investing out of state since 2007. Started with residential buy and holds, graduated to wholesaling, flipping and investing in commercial properties. I'm currently focusing on buy and hold properties in Detroit. Host of the Culver City Real Estate Investors Meetup.
Feel free to message me if you have any questions about...
Owner & manager of various Multi Family properties in Chicago. Real estate Agent with Second City Real Estate.
Chris is the Founder of JAG Property Management and JAG Capital Partners based in Orlando, FL. We are focused on managing long-term rentals in and around the Orlando area for ourselves and other owners. Many people claim they take an ownership approach, but we live and breathe it. We've owned single-family homes all the way up to 82-unit and...
I've been a real estate investor since 2007 and currently have 7 units. In 2015, my partner and I identified a unique niche within real estate that has been quite successful. I'm now focused on growing my portfolio whenever a good deal presents itself. My primary focus is identifying new deals and finding financing for the deals we have...