Live in Lake Oswego Oregon part time and Summerlin Nevada full time and my wife and I are immersed in our Real Estate endevours. From Selling Real Estate ( she is a RE Broker) to investing and building new construction in Oregon and on the East coast.
CA RE Broker Private money lender Capital partner DSCR
OR RE Broker
MS ...
Hey, My name is Brandon! I am an active real estate investor and former host of The BiggerPockets Podcast! I have been actively involved in real estate since I was 21 and totally and fully in love with the whole business. I also own Open Door Capital LLC, an investment company that focuses on raising money from limited partners to buy large...
Jonathan Greene is a thought leader in the real estate investing space. His podcast, Zen and the Art of Real Estate Investing is one of the fastest-growing real estate podcasts in the world. He is a lifelong real estate investor, on-market team leader, and luxury agent, as well as a certified life coach and real estate coach. He hosts...