My name is Hasan and my goal is to learn everything I can about real estate investing. I see investing as a way out of the rat race in order to provide a financially free life style for my family and myself. I'm a investor who is using wholesaling as a way to break into other forms of investing. Lets Connect!!
My name is Erwin. I currently working as an electrician. I enjoy spending time with my family and playing sports. I have one rental unit under my belt. I’m here to learn.
I am extremely interested in entering the real estate investing game beginning mainly with wholesaling and also of course flipping properties. My long term goal is to generate passive income to obtain financial freedom. I'd love to connect with other like-minded individuals already successfully investing to take me under their wing.
-Salsa dancer
Faviorete Quote:
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; u1nrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts....
I was from Los Angeles but now live in Arizona. I am a full time Realtor with Homesmart. Beside helping my clients buying and selling residential properties, I also own investment properties. Love to learn more and become the best to serve people.
I currently own and manage three rental properties in the San Diego, CA area.
I own and operate Elements Home Staging and have been in business since 2007 in the San Diego area. I specialize in staging vacant homes for real estate agents and flippers.