Hi everyone! So nice to meet you! My name is Kailynn and I am 20 years old living in the Sacramento, CA area. I’ve recently began studying real estate and am very interested in getting started in wholesaling. I would love to eventually learn how to flip houses and much more! I plan on taking a few courses in college that will allow me to...
- Active duty Marine serving overseas.
- From Louisville, Kentucky going to move to Houston, Texas to start my career and business in real estate.
- Fairly new in the real estate industry looking to learn and make mistakes so I can grow.
Vik is an entrepreneur, author, aspiring photographer and citizen of the world. He's a real estate investor and developer. Prior, He sold Clothes Horse, a software company he founded in 2011. Retailers who work with Clothes Horse are able to use a ton of data and cutting-edge technology to put the right fit in front of their shoppers, and...