Greeting and salutations. Planning on connecting with the right like-minded individuals to help each other reach and exceed our goals more effectively. Here's to our prosperity and success.
Officer in USAF; pilot trainee; lived in Birmingham, Alabama and Seattle, Washington. Looking to begin to build my real estate portfolio.
45 worked 15 years in real property tax assessment for various municipallities looking to make some real money for a change
Hello, my name is Anthony. My brother and I are construction contractors. Over the last year we have been flipping houses for some rich guy lol. We obviously started wondering what it would take to do this ourselves.
Cutting my teeth, wetting my feet and looking to make my first deal. Thanks to all in advance for any help I might receive from you!
I like to find homes that are about to be for sale and purchase them before a realtor is involved. The pressure is then off, and we lower the price accordingly. This is part time, but is my main retirement plan. We have 5 homes and would like to purchase 10 more within 12 years. I am fully a DIY guy. That in fact is a part of the thrill:...
Hello, my name is James DiGiovanni. I have a wife and 3 sons. I have been in the flooring industry for several years now. I am currantly managing commercial flooring. I have always been in the construction industry. I am very interested in residential and commercial investing. I have done full remodels and flipped a couple houses. I am...