I'm a 61 year old male that has been involved in renovation projects for the past thirty plus years. I'm experienced in most phases of the renovation and understanding of what and how to start and finish a project. Presently working on a couple of jobs. I've got a couple pieces of property that I'm trying to pull equity to finish a project in...
I am new to real estate. My cup is empty and I want to learn everything there is I need to know about real estate. I plan on making my first deal next year. For the moment, I work a full time job to raise my own capital.
I currently teach in Junior High and though the students are great, I would still like to get out of the rat race so to speak. Then, if I wanted, I could return to teaching because I want to, not because I have to.
I would like to set up about 25 properties for my retirement in the next three years.