I am a journeyman electrician and very new to the real estate investment game. I am still learning and trying to absorb as much as I can about this business.
Hi there my name is Mais Mike Karibyan, I have been in Financial Services industry since 2002 (Real Estate & Insurance) and helped more than 2500 plus clients. I can help you also. If your house didn't sell last time for any reason I'm here to work for you and make sure to have success this time. I have lots of investors that work with...
0% Complete Newbie
Currently Seeking:
To build-relationships and learn.
To have 5 Properties before the end of the year.
0% Complete Newbie
Currently Seeking:
To build-relationships and learn.
Though I have raised millions in equity and venture capital, I am a real estate newbie. I've spent the past year learning different ways I can complicate my life by chasing REO's, shortsales, probate deals, etc, etc. After an intensive 3-day commercial seminar, I've chosen to pursue commercial real estate as much closer to my...