I live and work in the Seattle-area in the arts/non-profit field. My goal is to someday have all our expenses covered through rental income. My husband is a licensed real estate agent with Coldwell Banker Bain: realkeyes.com.
Took early retirement from a nat gas utility after years in commodity markets and risk management.
My day job, Im a Mortgage Banker with Flat Branch Home Loans. This gives me some insight into the market and how things are trending. I am newer to real estate investing buy highly motivated to make a big impact in a short amount of time. I have flipped 2 houses and have more on the line. I would like to flip homes to fund larger buy and...
I am currently on the sidelines, learning and doing a ton of paper analysis. Once I feel comfortable in understanding the local market, my goal is to convince my wife to jump into a BRRRR with me.
In the meantime, I am interested in meeting any other investors that call the Capital District home -- especially those who might help me...