I am currently active duty in the U.S. Air Force. I am moving to the UK soon and interested in turnkey properties in the US and perhaps even rental investing in the UK. Ultimate goal is to create a reliable passive income that allows me to leave the military and be able to get my time back for my family.
Recently sold my home in California, looking to invest all the profit I made while living abroad. Financial independence is the eventual goal in 5-10 years. Living a frugal tax free life with no bills in sunny NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Marlon Brock from Brock & Davis Real Estate Investment Svc. If you own a home or property that you need to sell in a hurry because of inheritance, bankruptcy, too much needed repairs, behind or payments and need a quick sell, call us @ 240-242-7625 for more info.
I operate a website that connects real estate investors with private lending companies (AKA hard money lenders).
Married Physician looking to get into real estate. Like many, Rich Dad Poor Dad sparked my interest in real estate. Several books and podcasts later I am ready to start networking and learning to make my money work hard for me. I currently live in Collin County and am looking to invest in North Texas.