I'm a full-time Realtor® in DAyton Ohio specilizing in REO and investment properties. I deal with wholesale, rehabbing, conultation, and project management for local and Out of State investors.
We have 1 LTR in HI, 6 in IL
Invested in 2 syndications: 1 apartment complex in TX, 1 storage facility in SC
Looking to invest in MTRs and maybe STRs next!
Real Estate Investor and Entrepreneur based in Dallas, TX. I have a corporate 9-5, run a business that assists veterans, and invest in real estate. I joined Bigger Pockets to connect with other investors, to share experiences and possibly partner on deals.
I am a stay at home mom of two. I love to research real estate and I am doing nothing with my research. lol I think I could be very useful to some of you investors. I am in a great area with tons of short sales, foreclosures, etc....